Best fruit for skin

 The best fruit for skin

Best fruit for skin

If you are trying to improve your health and find it difficult to eat healthily, then this is a good time to consider incorporating some of the fruits that can help in improving your skin. The skin requires certain nutrients like protein to maintain its elasticity but the vitamins that have been included in the play crucial roles too. Here are some excellent fruits that can be an ideal source of vitamins E, B, C, A, D, and K.

1. Apples

Best fruit for skin

Apple contains various skin-promoting compounds, including malic acid, citric acid, and quercetin which play an important role in increasing epidermal cell turnover. Not only does apple extract helps in moisturizing and healing the skin, but also has anti-inflammatory properties which may reduce inflammation in the skin thereby reducing acne breakouts. Apple juice is quite popular among women as it keeps the skin hydrated and protects against dryness and wrinkles. It can even prevent premature aging by helping maintain collagen levels in the body.

2. Apricots

Best fruit for skin

Apricots contain polyphenols, carotenoids, and ellagic acid which have powerful antioxidants that protect our bodies from damage caused due to free radicals. This is especially beneficial when you want to keep your skin clear of blemishes. In addition, it reduces fine lines and wrinkles on your face. Therefore, apricots can be considered one of the most effective ways of keeping your skin young.

3. Pomegranate

Best fruit for skin

Pomegranates contain resveratrol which is known for protecting the skin from sun damage and preventing wrinkles and age spots that appear over time.

4. Strawberries

Best fruit for skin

Strawberries are packed with anthocyanins that fight harmful free radicals. They are rich in vitamin C and may make the skin look fresh and radiant. Due to their low glycemic index (GI) content, strawberries are better absorbed than other berries due to their faster absorption rate.

5. Cherries

Best fruit for skin

Cherries contain high amounts of flavonoids such as catechins that are believed to be responsible for preventing oxidative stress and preventing the development of skin diseases. Cherry juice is a good pick for those who believe in drinking more water to increase their intake. Studies suggest that people who consume cherries have lower chances of contracting cancer and heart disease.

6. Watermelon

Best fruit for skin

Watermelon contains lycopene along with other protective compounds that protect the skin from pollution and UV rays. These compounds also prevent aging and dryness of the skin. Along with being loaded with vitamin C, this fruit can boost the immune system, and rejuvenate, tighten, and smooth the skin. With its natural luster, watermelon is considered one of the top ten best skin care products in the market these days.

7. Tomatoes

Best fruit for skin

Tomatoes are packed with pectin which helps in soothing irritated skin and can be used by people who suffer from allergies and eczema. Tomato is also said to be an aphrodisiac and boosts libido in men. Its antioxidant properties also work wonders to combat free radical damage in the body. Consuming tomatoes may help treat dark spots or tanning. It can also be consumed as a salad or an ingredient to enhance hair growth and prevent dandruff or scalp infections.

8. Guava

Best fruit for skin

Guava is packed with several essential minerals including potassium, magnesium, selenium, and copper that help detoxify the body. Besides this, guava contains Vitamin b6 which works towards treating fatigue and depression. The plant also contains pectin which helps with fading of pigmentation. And although it may not be as useful if you need immediate healing, taking a daily dose of 1 gram of guava seeds can help the body heal up after minor surgery.

9. Citrus Fruits

Best fruit for skin

Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, etc. These fruits contain a high amount of fiber that promotes gut health and prevents constipation. Rich in antioxidants, they also reduce inflammation and fight off various diseases. Antioxidants also aid in wound healing, prevent skin damage, and control blood sugar. These fruits are highly recommended for anyone having problems related to acne and psoriasis. Additionally, citrus can also help in controlling excessive weight.

10. Banana

Best fruit for skin

Bananas contain niacinamide which prevents excess oil production from our skin. Moreover, bananas are rich in beta-carotene which gives our skin a yellowish color which makes it easy to spot bleaches. Bananas contain high-level folic acid which contributes to maintaining normal cholesterol levels. Because of the abundance of starch and vitamins present in this fruit, banana is also a great way of nourishing the nervous system and brain. Finally, bananas are very convenient to carry around because they do not require much storage space. As long as they stay fresh, bananas will continue to provide you with all the energy you need even on hot summer days.

11. Blueberry

Best fruit for skin

Blueberry contains a high level of antioxidants like vitamin C which helps in repairing damaged skin cells as well as fighting environmental factors. The plant also contains alpha and omega-3 fatty acids which play a critical role in preventing hair loss due to poor circulation. However, blueberries are more commonly eaten as a snack, rather than a regular food. Hence, people who prefer eating blueberries without any added sugar and artificial flavor can opt for orange, strawberry, lemon, or pineapple slices instead.

12. Pear

Best fruit for skin

Pear contains a significant amount of phytonutrient melatonin which controls your sleep and regulates hormones in the body. Melatonin increases the production of melanocortin which maintains a healthy complexion for life.

13. Pineapple

Best fruit for skin

Pineapple contains Vitamin A which helps in lightening skin tone and improves the appearance of wrinkles. To get rid of freckles, use mashed pear on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the affected area.

14. Avocado

Best fruit for skin

Avocado is a nutritious food as well as tasty that provides us with plenty of antioxidants that help in regulating the levels of triglycerides in our bloodstream. Furthermore, avocado provides many essential minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Since avocados are very versatile, we can easily add them to almost every dish we cook along with nuts to give it a crunchy texture.

15. Raspberries

Best fruit for skin

Raspberries contain anthocyanins, fiber, vitamin C, folate, pectin, phenols, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and copper. These are just a few of the numerous antioxidants that raspberries give us. Along with this, they contribute much to restoring youthful-looking skin. These fruits are rich in antioxidants that are responsible for decreasing the appearance of blackheads and acne scars.

Although each ingredient works differently than another, it’s important to note that the best thing about skincare products is that there are no ‘one size fits all solutions. What works for one person might not work for another. So remember, focus on what suits your skin best. You may have a particular concern or issue, but if you take a holistic approach to skincare, there is certainly nothing you can’t fix.

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