How can I make my skin glow in winter and dry skin?

How can I make my skin glow in winter and dry skin?

How can I make my skin glow in winter and dry skin?

It’s winter, but that doesn’t mean you can stop caring for your skin. Whether you are wearing a mask or even going out to take care of yourself, don’t forget that winter isn’t just about snuggling up in front of the fire and having fun. It’s important for our health and well-being. We all know how long winters can last, let alone when we have to deal with high temperatures as the average person. All this means is that people who suffer from seasonal allergies or other skin issues might have their skin feel dry and rough. Let’s find out what causes excessive dryness on the face and ways in which you can make your skin glow during the colder months.

Causes Of Excessive Drier Skin During The Holidays

The heatwave conditions and humid subtropical air masses combined with low humidity levels make sweating, drying, and itching extremely common on the faces of many people during these very cold days. But, there might be some underlying reasons why your skin feels so dry. Here are some of them:

Dehydration – This is one of the top reasons why dry skin looks dull, rough, and tanned. Dehydration is basically when the body no longer has enough water as an essential component of life. 

Dehydration affects our bodies by lowering blood circulation and increasing our metabolic rates causing us to feel thirsty and tired. Our skin goes through this process quite often and if you see that it’s been taking its toll on your face due to lack of hydration, it’s time to visit your dermatologist. If the cause of it is due to hormonal diseases, certain medicines can help you gain good hydration. Home remedies can also help with these issues as they are simple and effective. To make life easier, here are a few home remedies that can do wonders for those suffering from dehydration:

Drink plenty of liquids like milk, juices, and smoothies

Drill a glass of warm milk (or any dairy product) before bedtime

Eat small pieces of fresh fruit as it helps get relief from thirst cravings

Chew on crushed ice cubes

Add honey to foods that taste bitter and sweet. Honey contains antioxidants and vitamins that give relief from dry skin. For example, consider adding some raw honey to mashed bananas or strawberries.

Avoid smoking and use nicotine-free creams instead

Prevent sun exposure during the hot weather

Take some steps to control stress. There are always things that we can change in our lives – our habits, routines, etc. Try finding a new way to cope with stressful situations by setting realistic goals for yourself. Don’t let your emotions overtake your head though; sometimes the best thing to do is to focus on the things that matter most instead of dwelling on negative things in your mind. You’ll find things changing quickly as you grow and mature. So remember to stay positive and try to think positively every day.

How To Prevent Dry Skin At Night

When it comes to sensitive skin, you might find it challenging to keep your skin healthy and glowing at night. You probably get used to sleeping tight and never thinking about staying covered up. However, just because your skin gets used to being under the covers, it does not mean that it needs to remain like that for the sake of protecting itself. Instead of using heavy makeup or over-cleansing, here are a few tips that will help you maintain better skin during the night.

Wear light clothes and wear loose fitting shirts and sweaters

Try and avoid perfumes such as cologne soaps and perfumes

Wear cotton underwear or pants and avoid thick clothes because they can clog pores

Use mild soap and washcloth to clean the face

Make sure you apply lotion and moisturizer regularly

Moisturize regularly instead of constantly washing your face

Avoid using harsh cleansers and scrubs because they strip off natural oils leaving your skin dehydrated

Avoid touching your face too much because it might affect its oil production. While it may seem trivial, it can leave your skin feeling tight and irritated all the more

Try avoiding oily products such as hand cream, shaving cream, and toothpaste

Avoid using eye shadows that contain ingredients like mercury, zinc oxide, coal tar, lead, and silica

Always brush your hair from root to ends

To get rid of fine lines and wrinkles: Get regular facial exfoliants to remove dead cells, refine dead skin at the surface and smooth out the texture

Apply lip balm twice per week on dry lips, while wet lips should be applied regularly

Apply glycerin daily or two times per week when your skin starts showing signs of aging

Avoid rubbing your hands together too much as it can add friction to the skin and increase dryness

Use Vaseline – It may sound strange as an ingredient but it’s an astringent that gives extra hydration and nourishment to your skin. Use it after cleansing as a first step. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline around your eyes before applying sunscreen

Apply olive oil on your cheeks and neck after cleansing

Clean your ears first and then rub them gently for 15 minutes

Moisturize your hands and fingernails by massaging them with rosewater for 5 minutes and mixing them with some sugar and lemon juice. Do this every night before going to sleep. Before bed, use petroleum jelly or something similar for wiping the face. Wash all the areas thoroughly to prevent dirt and bacteria from forming.

Use oatmeal, almond flour, coconut powder, baking soda, aloe vera gel, coconut chips, walnut pebbles, and cucumber slices to get rid of the tan. Mix them with some yogurt and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and apply them to your face. Leave them on your face overnight, and then rinse them off with lukewarm water.

Try mixing apple cider with honey and then scrubbing it over the affected area twice a week. Rinse it off gently with cold water.

This post was written by Dr. Sandeep Taneja, MD, Senior Consultant, Dermatologist, Fortis Hospital, Mumbai, India. He practices both Internal Medicine & Cosmetic Surgery in his private practice located in Parel, Mumbai. The content provided here is intended only for educational purposes and readers are advised to consult professional medical and/or dermatological advice regarding specific problems and concerns.

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